Back in the Saddle

So I’ve been rambling about the Southern states for the last few weeks, a long overdue honeymoon!  So from Lindsay to Kentucky, Nashville, Biloxi, Mobile, and New Orleans, a few cool stops along the way, and a night in a hotel somewhere in Ohio (but we don’t really know what city, we’d been on the road for 14 Hours).  Here are some highlights...

I found a great little yarn shop in New Orleans, called the Quarter Stitch.  Lots of cool ideas, and inspiration.  Also, I bought a needlepoint called Lover Bull, it’s a picture of a bull, wearing a smoking jacket, it’s going to be amazing, my new found year long project, in addition to all of the knitting of course!  Okay, enough about me and my travels...on to shop news.


This year is going to be an exciting year for us.  

First things first today is Sydney’s 18th birthday!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYD.  Wow, I think we can all remember 18, what fun she’s going to have.

We have fiber festivals starting in the spring, and lots of new and wonderful product coming your way, we will update as often as they start to arrive.

We will also be carrying more felting items for the felt enthusiasts out there.  We’ve also increased our spinning supplies (wools).

Anyway, just wanted to pop in say hi, and get back in the saddle.  Hope everyone is well and enjoying the few days of 2018.  Let’s kick this year into high gear ;)